Small pieces of a large mosaic

Let’s compare our history to an ancient and complex mosaic, comprised of many small pieces. With the passage of time, it is natural that large gaps in knowledge will form and many of the pieces will be lost. Let’s imagine that each of us has the opportunity to take part in the restoration of this great mosaic, which is an allegory for our history. Each contribution, however small and marginal it might appear, can be useful to the reconstruction and the understanding of the original work as a whole, to the understanding of our combined history.

The articles and research for Evus were born from this goal: find some small pieces of the larger mosaic of history and put them back into place, so they can remain there without the fear of being lost. Because even the smallest piece that we might find will return a part of our history, they take on a universal meaning; once shared, that meaning can never be lost.

This is our ambitious goal: to be able to say one day that we have contributed to the reconstruction of past stories that had been lost or forgotten. With this objective in mind, we will try to remain open to dialogue and exchange, offering our views without neglecting others.  Like a great multicolored puzzle, Evus will be filled in, day after day, by the stories that will be told by symbols and icons, by events that will be documented by works of art and artifacts, and by past characters that will emerge from oblivion. The colors of the tiles will be enriched by the infinite shades of dreams and prophecies, traditions and rituals, archetypes and myths …
Since Evus is a web space that is open to new ideas, we welcome contributions, comments, criticisms and suggestions of all those who share in our desire for dialogue, and to learn about and impart culture.

Ciò che trattieni è perso per sempre , ciò che dai è tuo per sempre” (What you hold onto is lost forever, what you give is yours forever) says a wise saying. We hope that the deeper meaning of this phrase, which truly represents the philosophy of Evus, will interpret the thinking of our readers.

by Antonella Bazzoli, translated by Lynn De La Torre, settembre 2012